
Suffered Synonyms & Antonyms

Suffered Synonyms & Antonyms

Apparently, the abbey had suffered from the lack of seasonal pastures, a recurring but disastrous phenomenon. My ideas go specifically to nearby Coventry, which suffered such heavy bombardment and big lack of life in November 1940. Middle English from Anglo-Norman French suffrir, from Latin sufferre, from sub- ‘from under’ + ferre ‘to bear’. This is the British English definition of endure.View American English definition of undergo. Definition and synonyms of suffer from the net English dictionary from Macmillan Education.

Another region suffering the after-effects of a tropical storm was Nepal. The troubled career of Well Chief has suffered yet another setback. And it was love that had made her so, the love of one other who suffered for her. Both her mother and father have already suffered from cancer and pals have launched an appeal to lift cash for massive medical bills. As lengthy as some measurable injury had been suffered the reason for action would accrue. He had been affected by cancer and is survived by two daughters.

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He had witnessed harrowing scenes after the tsunami that had brought on him to suffer from flashbacks. Reading could also be staring down the barrel of monetary damage in the event that they undergo another relegation. Without a serious boost in tourism, the economy will undergo even additional. something dangerous, you’re in a scenario during which something painful, dangerous, or very unpleasant happens to you. You do not use ‘endure’ to say that someone tolerates an disagreeable individual.


Older infants may be more prone to have moved around to different foster houses and thus to have suffered more disruptions than youthful infants. As step one of their model, one hobo component suffered insertion of one other hobo factor at a target sequence present within the first component. Unfortunately she suffered issues in a later pregnancy and the sew needed to be eliminated.

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